Here are the third thirty profiles since I started recording them. 5-23-02 I wonder if Liv Tyler just calls herself 54 for short. 5-22-02 This is it. 5-17-02 Hello again, everyone 3-30-02 I really didn't wanna be there, having to explain it all to her while she giggled at me. "Now why did I expect this to look better?" she asked. "Y'see," I said, almost ashamed, "when you request something like that, you have to realize that the outside appearance doesn't always match up with what's underneath; sometimes what's hidden isn't quite as fertile as what you can see." But hey, it's my mom's fault that she told me to cut the trees that low in the first place. She should have at least told me that I had twigs in my hair instead of just laughing though. 3-17-02 Apparently MIT acceptance letters just consist of "Welcome to MIT =)". 3-4-02 Found in lab book: The amount of solute also affects the degree of temperature change (no pun intended). 3-3-02 Nguyen somebody jorgens, I sneeze into a hsu. 2-10-02 Kathryn lives. 12-16-01 My drummer drives a Ford Tempo. Ironically, he has trouble keeping a beat. 12-06-01 Who needs a job when you have a birthday? 12-01-01 What better way to consecrate the love of six months than to teach the one you love how to skateboard? 11-28-01 There is a reason that you've never heard of cooking tater tots with sesame oil. There is probably also a reason that they put labels on oil bottles. I kinda doubt that there's a reason for somebody to take a label off of an oil bottle, leaving others to cook with a mystery oil. (The tater tots in sesame oil were actually very good, but this is what I was thinking when I smelled the sesame oil before I tasted the tots.) 11-19-01 Let it be known that skateboarding in the dark while holding a gallon of water is not a good idea. In other words... if (youAreSkateboarding == true && itIsDarkOutside == true && youAreCarryingAGallonOfWater == true) { cout << "Bad idea." yourShinHurts == true; youWastedMoney == true; } 11-18-01 After much thought and consideration, a panel of experts has determined that for a skyscraper to be built in the near future, the most efficient method of mass evacuation would be to build a network of water slides along the perimeter of the skyscraper. 10-16-01 Red Eagle surrendered to Jackson. (Hooo!) He was for REEEEEAL! 10-5-01 Nitrite is scared. Spanish bears are commonly found carrying sulfite. Aluminum phosphate can be found in dog food. Barium hydride is a very grumpy compound. Iron III chloride is just gross. 10-3-01 Sodium acetate spells NaC2H3O2. Sodium-Tellurium Krypton-Gold-Sulfur laughs with me about this. 9-21-01 Yet another just before falling asleep thought: If I were to make a movie, there would be a scene where the main characters shrink down really small and end up in a lawn, much like in Honey I Shrunk the Kids, except there would be little people already there, and they would be twirling little grass shoots like batons and a big bug who ruled over these little people would come in and greet the main characters. He would be given the voice of Mel Gibson. And I don't know what would happen next, because I woke up completely and pondered why I casted Mel Gibson as the voice of the bug ruler. 9-14-01 I don't think you're ready for this manatee, I don't think you're ready for this manatee. 9-11-01 (8:52 P.M.) Apparently my last profile was offensive, as my complaints have risen 100% (in all actuality, it's undefined). Just remember that you can still view old profiles at http://somewhat-mediocre.freeservers.com/profile. 9-11-01 While walking through the halls, one may notice posters asking him or her to join Youth Alive Bible Club. One may also notice that their slogan just isn't catchy enough, and they misspell a word or two. Here is my idea for the new slogan for posters: "Join Youth Alive for Christ's sake!" 8-27-01 Number eighty-three in the I Feel Like An Idiot series: Toasters frighten me. Yes, the normal, everyday function that most toasters are known for, popping up, has now startled me. 8-20-01 Once again, I am blessed with the theoretical ability to walk Erin Brennan from math to Spanish. Except this time it's the first two periods of the day instead of the last two. Whoop-de-doo. 8-16-01 While riding shotgun (as it is the designated seat, so long as a certain other someone isn't in the car, we'll call her Dove), tell your friend to turn right, because you happen to be in an old subject's neighborhood. While in this neighborhood, notice a friend on the street, and invite yourself to a party that is just ending. Learn that some friends were there just a few hours earlier. It's more fun than it sounds like. 8-4-01 During the time period just before falling asleep, when the mind wanders from one subject to the next (no pun intended), I came up with a great idea. Steal some bowling pins, then go to a different bowling alley. With permanent marker, write messages on the bowling pins, saying derogatory things about the second bowling alley, and sign them from the first. Throw these pins at the windows, and drive off. This will start a war between bowling alleys, and the employees will then retaliate with their own bowling pins with messages. Soon afterward, we will be hearing about bowling alley gang fights, and we will know that it was all our doing. What a great idea. 7-30-01 New studies show that a lack of sleep can cause memory loss. F'rinstance, if one stays awake for forty hours, he or she could become delirious toward the end of the time period. It is even possible to carry on conversations on the Internet, then get up, walk to a bedroom, and fall asleep with one's contact lenses in, pants on, and gum in his or her mouth, and not remember a thing. I have no idea when this was done, since I didn't do it: HI THIS IS ERICA!!!! When asked what type of demon one would want to become, should the situation ever arise, most would reply SHIRTS :-*with either an incubus or a succubus, depending on what gender they are. I can't imagine why, WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! when one could choose to be an impastaaaa. Honestly, how much cooler is it to be a little annoying pest demon, the chihuahua of demons? BLAHHHH This is like, another hypothetical situation, so don't go like, LALALALALAAAAIMing me telling me not to want to be a demon or something like that. W00t 7-21-01 When asked what type of demon one would want to become, should the situation ever arise, most would reply with either an incubus or a succubus, depending on what gender they are. I can't imagine why, when one could choose to be an imp. Honestly, how much cooler is it to be a little annoying pest demon, the chihuahua of demons? This is like, another hypothetical situation, so don't go like, IMing me telling me not to want to be a demon or something like that. 7-11-01 Geez, people... That last profile was merely a hypothetical situation... Nowhere in it did it say that I did any of those things. C'mon, now, really. Do you think that I'm that dumb? Honestly, I mean, I was able to integrate separate bold, italicized, and underlined words into one profile, for cryin' out loud. Give me some credit. 7-10-01 Sneaking out of the house, taking one's mother's automobile, and driving to one's girlfriend's house (without a license, mind you) at 2:30 in the morning seems like something that you'd see in a movie. Or at least in a movie that I'd write. |